Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Hate You. I Hate You. I Hate You

I never loved you, you know that, but you cling on to me and nag and always whisper into my ears how much you love me. I turned my head to kill the whisper, but you always managed to find my other ear.

I put on sprays. which I know you hate most, yet with time you mastered the art of liking it. I hate you the more when I come to know that you profess the same love to others and whisper the same loving words on others' ears.

I've tried my level best to get used to your presence. But, now I know that I would never be able to live with that lousy nature of yours. You know that you have given me only sleepless nights. I miss my childhood in the village; those golden days where I was yet to meet you.

I hate the whole of your brothers and sisters, mom and dad and even your grandparents. Why do you choose to stay even after I've said so many goodbyes. From now on, I prefer to be labeled as a murderer than a compassionate man. Take this seriously, because when I see you next time I am going to commit the bloodiest murder in history.

The most unbearable payback you gave me in our long bitter relationship is the day you blessed me with malaria for the simple reason that I feed you and shared my room with you. I slept for days down with fever and you were around singing the same boring song that I've never learned to like even today.

I'll now use multiple sprays, coils and the electric racquet to get you and your lot stoned, smacked and roasted alive. Consider me the most dreaded and a merciless criminal of all times, I'll gladly accept that nickname than getting another bout of fever, body ache and headache.

Goodbye Miss Mosquito, I am done with blood donation.


old fable teller, me... said...

Hope this is literal and not metaphorical!

old fable teller, me... said...

Hope this is purely literal and not metaphorical...

T Khangrah said...

Not sure!!!!!!!!! :)